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Medium: Pine wood and Acrylic sheet

Dimension: W 250 x L 250 x H 58 mm.


The synergy between monotone and dynamic qualities—Static and Kinetic. The orderly and evenly spaced curvilinear lines gave a Moiré effect when overlapped. The non-superimposable elements gave a “chaotic” wavy movement. It is constantly changing as the user moves the circular disc or physically move around the tray. The constantly changing static elements gave the inspiration of Still Waves.

Ingredients (material/ form/ texture/ colour)

Use of square and circular bases are reflections of still rigid form versus soft organic movement. Square base is obscure (hidden) while the circular is obvious (extruded). Square-ish frame with rounded edges incorporates both. Transparent and reflective acrylic discs framed by opaque, dull and gentle grained wood. Space between the discs allows for variation of angles, hence dynamism in patterns.

Incorporation (methods of arrangement)

The hypotactic arrangement shows systematic and monotonous repetition of waves which varied in thickness individually but have constant mass and void between each other. The 2 discs are subordinate of each other. They are superimposable but incorporating the movement of the user, they form Moiré pattern with non-superimposable arrangements. This shows the synergy between monotone and dynamism, static versus kinetic.

Uniqueness or originality

Still Waves allows user to decide the patterns they want. Physical movement of users also changes the Moiré patterns. The tray shows duality. It can be used both ways—an interactive centre piece on a table or a functional static tray when flipped over. Magnets are incorporated to allow user to easily change the patterns of the discs in future.

Still Waves: Projects
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